Drumstick Tree

Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera is a plant that is often called the drumstick tree, the miracle tree, the ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree. Moringa has been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties and health benefits. It also has antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Is drumstick tree edible?
The moringa tree, also known as the drumstick tree because of its slender foot-long pods, has been consumed mainly in parts of Southeast Asia for centuries. The plant is distantly related to cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale and cabbage, and shares the same nutritious compounds.
What is drumstick tree called in English?
moringa, (Moringa oleifera), also called horseradish tree or drumstick tree, small deciduous tree (family Moringaceae) native to tropical Asia but also naturalized in Africa and tropical America.
Why is it called the drumstick tree?
The name “Drumstick Plant” or “Drumstick Vegetable” comes from the shape of its seed pods, which resemble drumsticks. They start out green and turn brown as they mature, eventually reaching a length of 12 inches (30 cm)!
What are the disadvantages of eating drumstick?
Eating drumsticks in huge amounts may lower blood pressure and slow heart rate due to an abundance of alkaloids. Consuming the bark of drumstick may induce uterine contractions. It is also not advisable to take drumstick with thyroid medication.
Does drumstick increase sperm count?
Drumstick benefits for male sperm production are attributed to its antioxidant properties. Moringa seeds repair the oxidative damage that can consequently reduce sperm quality. Also, these antioxidant properties kick out the stress that boosts your sexual drive and enhances your sexual desires.
Are drumstick leaves poisonous?
It contains alkaloid spirochin, which is a potential neuro-paralytic toxin and can cause paralysis and death. Leaves of moringa have laxative properties. When eaten in large quantities they may cause stomach upset, heart burn, gaseous distension, and diarrhea.
Can we grow drumstick tree at home?
Moringa, commonly known as Drumstick Plant, thrives well in subtropical or tropical climates. When the temperature falls, you can grow Moringa indoors in containers. The ideal temperature for growing this Moringa is 21-35°C. This sun-loving plant doesn't mind shade either.
Is drumstick good for brain?
Moringa: nature's secret to a healthy brain Moringa oleifera or commonly known as The Drumstick tree is a plant native to India and Nepal. Today, moringa is widely grown in Africa, Latin America and Asia due to its powerful health benefits.
Is drumstick good for health?
Drumsticks contain high amounts of iron and calcium. As a result, consuming them can play a vital role in developing healthy and strong bone structures. Drumsticks come with anti-inflammatory properties that help in preventing respiratory diseases.
Can we eat drumstick leaves daily?
Chlorogenic acid, another antioxidant in moringa leaves, prevents sudden spikes in blood sugar levels after eating food. Daily consumption of moringa leaves significantly decreases blood cholesterol levels and improves our heart health.
Is moringa good for male fertility?
May improve fertility Moringa leaves and seeds are excellent sources of antioxidants, which may help combat oxidative damage that can interfere with sperm production or damage sperm DNA ( 13 , 14 ).
What happens when you drink moringa everyday?
What happens when you drink moringa everyday? Consuming Moringa everyday may lead to modest reductions in blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Moringa leaves are highly nutritious and can be consumed everyday which proves to be highly beneficial for people who are lacking in essential nutrients. 2.
What are the side effects of moringa?
Moringa side effects may include:
- Lower blood pressure and slow heart rate because of the alkaloids in the plant.
- Uterine contractions from moringa bark.
- Cell mutations caused by a chemical isolated from roasted moringa seeds.
- Interference with fertility.
- Upset stomach, gas or diarrhea due to laxative properties.
How long does drumstick take to grow?
The first yield starts in 4 to 6 months after plantation & gives commercial yield up to 10 Years. (Per year two seasons). Bears are dark green in color, 45 to 60 cm in length, the pulp is soft & testy, keeping quality is very good. From a single plant, one can get 40-135 drumsticks of about 3 to 10 kg.
Can moringa cause blood clots?
M. oleifera leaf extract is a common ingredient in supplements promoted for improving metabolism or weight loss (such as Provitalize). Laboratory and animal studies suggest that M. oleifera may promote blood clotting and the formation of blood clots, and M.
Does drumstick increase blood sugar?
Drumstick is known as zero glycemic index food because it doesn't have carbs. For its GI score, it is treated as the best food for lowering blood sugar levels in people diagnosed with diabetes. Many early studies show that insulin-like proteins found in moringa could help to lower blood sugar levels in your body.
Is drumstick good for diabetes?
Drumstick or Moringa oleifera leaves help maintain normal blood sugar levels and thus may act as a natural way to manage diabetes. Drumstick leaves contain nutrients which increase insulin secretion in the body. The leaves also have anti-inflammatory properties. Moringa leaves are rich in antioxidants.
Is drumstick natural Viagra?
Also known as 'Indian Viagra', drumstick flowers are extremely effective when it comes to resolving common problems like erectile dysfunction and infertility. How to use drumstick flowers? All you need is some drumstick flowers, milk, cardamom and sugar.
What is called female sperm?
They are also referred to as sex cells. Female gametes are called ova or egg cells, and male gametes are called sperm.
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